Make Gift Amount not auto populate or Require CC Info on new Credit Card Gifts

When adding a new Gift record in NXT, it is possible to save the Gift without changing the Amount or charging a credit card. This misses out on revenue for our organization and for you, Blackbaud/BBMS/etc.

We are fortunate that we caught this mistake in time, but it would have made us short on revenue for this month. We would not have caught that until the gift was "processed" and disbursed by BBMS.

I can understand why this is a possibility if you use a third party to process gifts and need to go back in to add them.

For those who do not, I would like to make this foolproof and seamless.

Suggestion: When someone chooses the Payment Method of Credit Card, the window for BBMS, if connected, should automatically pop up and a message saying "Are you sure you do not want to process this gift now?" should appear when trying to close it out. Alternatively, the Gift Amount field should be empty or grayed out until after a Payment Method is chosen.

  • Lee Grisham
  • Sep 2 2022
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