Update credit card information in NXT without having to terminate a recurring gift.

Very time consuming to have to end a recurring gift and create a new one just when someone's credit card information changes. Happens frequently with end dates on cards.

  • Mary Jo O'Brien
  • Aug 19 2020
  • Shipped
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    • Jarod Bonino commented
      September 24, 2020 15:21

      Paul, it should be possible to update any part of the payment information using "Payment info amendments" in web view. You can update all or any of the following:

      • The payment configuration used to process the payment

      • The card number

      • The expiration date

      If any of these updates are not working for you, please do contact support so we can figure out what might be going wrong.

    • Paul Sinclair commented
      August 26, 2020 01:16

      I don't think this is quite true. My experience is that you need to know the credit card number as well as the new expiry date, but if you have that information then it works. What is not possible is to simply update the expiry date.