Create a way to be able to add links for external websites on RENXT forms.

I use RENXT forms for collecting volunteer event registrations and it would be great to have volunteers be able to sign an online waiver linked from an external website during the registration process. Currently, we have to have them sign a waiver outside of the registration process which is inconvenient for both parties.

  • Guest
  • Dec 22 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    January 03, 2022 18:45

    Hi! Thanks for this Idea! I believe you can partially accomplish what you're trying to do by utilizing a content area alongside a participant option for your waiver.

    In the registrant details section, add your participant option for your waiver. Then, in your form designer on the right, go into the "Content" section and drag a "Text only" section right above your waiver participant option in the form. It's worth noting that when you click into Content it will move the form preview on the left up to the top of the form, you'll need to scroll back down so you can drag your new content section into the right section of the form.

    From here, hover over your new Text only section to edit the language. You can include a hyperlink here, and the hyperlink tool will let you choose whether to open the link in the current or a new window.

    If you're using the Yes/No participant option type for your Waiver check, there is a gap right now in that Yes/No options cannot be made required. There is an Idea here for that request that we are keeping an eye on for this exact situation that you may be interested in watching:

    Give that a try and let me know if it gets you closer to what you're trying to accomplish.


    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager