BB Hosting Password Resets - Enforce password requirements & add note

When staff reset their passwords for Blackbaud Hosting, there is no prompt with information on the password requirements. Due to a potential bug (?) in the software, it allows people to create a password with less then 12 characters, then they aren't able to log in with their new password.

Blackbaud Support suggested this be submitted as a new idea: This request is to :(1) prevent passwords from being saved/changed when the new password is less than 12 characters and (2) include the password requirements on the change password page.

I know there is a KB, but people typically expect that the software won't allow them to change to a password that doesn't meet requirements.

What you have tried?:

When users can't log in with their new passwords, our Blackbaud admins manually reset using "user administration". This extra step wouldn't be needed if the password requirements were clear and enforced by the software.

  • Donella Robb
  • Feb 4 2021
  • Attach files