USA date style

Currently date conventions are focused on the USA formatting. Before I can introduce this system to colleagues, it would be great to see a timeline of when this will be updated to include UK and other date format styles to support the user understanding of the system.

  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2016
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  • Monica Tamayo commented
    October 12, 2021 06:52

    My browser settings are also set to Australia, and our date format is DD/MM/YYYY, and same with Regional Settings for RE7. Unfortunately NXT keeps reverting dates to MM/DD/YYYY. This includes on Dashboards, which we would like to use to report to our Board but it looks unprofessional to say "here is the data, but ignore the dates they are in USA formatting."

  • Stephanie Miller commented
    October 16, 2018 12:55

    As of today the date format in the Analyse section is still mm-dd-yyyy despite browser settings relfecting English - UK. Any update on whether this is going to be fixed?

  • Guest commented
    July 27, 2016 16:17

    Hi Jarod, Sorry for my confusion -  the layout of the date values in the Analyse section of NXT. It shows as Jul.31.2016. UK customers may find this confusing as we always search and enter the date as 31.July.2016. When I'm manually editing the dates I have to think about why it won't let me enter 31.07.2016. This field does not appear to be based on the Regional Settings as mine are in the UK formatting for RE:Classic.

    Thanks for asking for clarification. I hope that makes sense.


  • Jarod Bonino commented
    July 27, 2016 15:45

    At the risk of sounding thick I'll have to ask for clarification again. In web view, date formats are based on your browser's regional settings. Date formats are not hard-coded in the application. If there is an area in the product where that does not appear to be the case, let me know. Or if you mean something else (perhaps along the lines of using language like "fortnightly" as opposed to "bi-weekly"?), let me know. But in general, the date formats in NXT are not style specifically for the US.

  • Guest commented
    July 27, 2016 14:48

    Sorry - my main focus should probably be on the date style, rather than language. I've submitted with perhaps my text focusing on the wrong idea. I will amend now.

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    July 27, 2016 14:16

    Thanks for submitting this idea! Could you be more specific with the particular language that you think is US specific? We are making every attempt to build a product using globally accepted language and terms, but in the event that we cannot, we do localize the product (see US Planned Gifts vs UK Legacy Gifts). If there are areas where we have missed the mark, we'd love to know about them!