Include Spouse Name/Info as Duplicate Criteria for Online Donations

NXT's online donation forms only screen for primary constituent's name, address, and email. Currently, when a spouse makes a gift, even at the same address, a new record is created.

This not only takes time editing the gift in batch to link to the correct record, but then requires users to delete the new constituent record as well.

It'd be great for the duplicate screening to be more robust to include spouse name/contact info, along with adding on general screening for phone numbers, non-primary email addresses, and even different formatting of addresses (i.e. N. vs. North).

  • Alexandra Hansen
  • Oct 7 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 15, 2022 18:41

    Please expand the search options so that duplicate records aren't created. We want to use NXT donation forms, but have run into this as a major problem.

  • Patricia Glasser commented
    October 09, 2020 17:20

    Yes, please expand the Search options! I just started to process gifts this way 3 days ago, and have run into problem. What a headache to have to delete the new records that have been created and make sure the gift is applied to Head of Household!

    I thought this was going to save me time by moving to an NXT online donation form instead of another vendor, but honestly I think it's easier to import gifts from the other system instead of dealing with these problems.