Gift Attribute / custom field options for Donation Form

We use gift attributes to track why someone gave and right now there's no option for creating such a menu of attributes for the donor to choose from.

  • Elias Gannage
  • Sep 22 2020
  • Shipped
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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      July 27, 2023 16:27

      Since this idea has been shipped, any new requests should be added as new Ideas so they don't get buried and can get votes on their own. Thanks!

    • Cassie Dull commented
      July 27, 2023 16:20

      Would be helpful if the custom field(s) were displayed in the email notification. Some internal people who get notifications of payments/gifts don't necessarily use RE (or at least not regularly), and even if you do, it adds 5 min to go track down that info in RE.

    • Kyle Reierson commented
      June 12, 2023 18:15

      It would be nice if Hidden fields included Package, Letter code, Custom Fields. We use these internally and don't want them publicly displayed.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      April 26, 2023 15:21

      Gift custom fields are now available for the RENXT donation form. Check out the What's New for more info!

    • Guest commented
      October 25, 2022 01:35
    • Guest commented
      April 22, 2022 20:59

      Hello, we would like a custom fields so our donors can enter their preferred recognition name, the names of their students and graduation year. Thank you!

    • Teddi Taylor commented
      April 21, 2022 17:25

      Currently, I'm looking for at minimum the functionality that exists in OLX, which is gift attributes so we can customize forms with additional information not included in the very limited donation forms in webview. I might prefer to map some of these fields to the donor record instead of the gift record, but I don't necessarily expect that functionality, as it is not currently available.

    • Nathan Munn commented
      April 21, 2022 14:18

      One way that we've used free text attributes on donation form is asking donors how they want to be listed on our donor honor roll. So having a free text option is essential for that. I'm then able to utilize that gift attribute in the custom report we we use to construct the honor roll, and in queries to manage additional addressee/salutation. Also, we use date attributes for donation forms where our employees make new payroll deduction pledges. Having those gifts import with an installment schedule is usually messier than if we just have the start and end dates provided as attributes, then we can set up the installment schedule after the gift is imported.

    • Rivki Raphaelson commented
      April 21, 2022 13:26

      I will be out of the office until April 25th. Please forward all urgent
      emails to Laura Abada at

      Thank you,

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      April 21, 2022 13:25

      Hello voters!

      I am looking for additional examples of fields where you don't want the donor to select anything on the form, but you want to write a specific value to the donation or donor. Examples above included some reporting examples, I'd love to get more detail on what exactly you're reporting on or if there are other examples out there.

      In addition, are these always code table attribute types where you want a specific selection (one value) of the code table written, or are you also using other attribute types?

      Thanks for any additional info you can give!

      Samantha McGuin
      Principal Product Manager

    • Elaine Tucker commented
      January 28, 2022 16:26

      We use this for our donors to indicate if they are part of a specific giving group, and that information is used when reporting out to our volunteer fundraisers

    • Jennifer Adams commented
      January 27, 2022 18:47

      @Juliana Lawson, I think the functionality I was requesting is now available but I can't check because we haven't been using NXT forms for giving so we'll have to use one and see what happens. But to answer your question, most of what we need is to be able to attach an attribute but not one the donor would select so, no we don't need it on the donation form. However, there are other instances where it would be nice such as for a golf tournament to collect the handicaps as they sign up. Most of the time our donors don't have that information when they sign up their golf teams (as an example) so they reach out to us separately and we collect via spreadsheets. But i know other orgs absolutely use these fields on donor forms and it seems like an oversight that it's not available. Thanks!

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      January 20, 2022 16:51

      Thank you for responding @Jennifer Adams. I have a follow up question. You said for donation forms (not registration) you don't necessarily need the custom field available for the donor, but you really need it in batch. Would it ever be helpful to add it to the set up of the donation form so that every gift that comes through the form would automatically get that custom field.

    • Jennifer Adams commented
      November 30, 2021 14:43

      @Juliana Lawson, we need gift attributes. We have several in database we use for tracking and reporting. Most commonly: 1. what type of event gift it was, auction/sponsorship, etc and 2. what bucket of money the gift came from, major gift/social media/recurring gift/grant. This is separate from our appeal.

    • Jennifer Adams commented
      September 21, 2021 15:19

      In our case we don't necessarily need the attribute to be visable to donors although that is helpful in events for collecting tshirt sizes, etc. But we need to be able to attach an attribute to the gift during the batch process. We use them for internal tracking and reporting and because of the amount of clean up we have to do after using an NXT form to go back and enter the appropriate attribute per gift, it makes those forms unusable.

    • Juliana Lawson commented
      September 20, 2021 21:38


      Can get examples of the attributes you use on when someone donations today and if you expect the attribute to be saved on the gift or the consituent (gift attribute or constituent attribute.

      I see Elias Grannge might say, "Why are you giving a donation today?" and saved on the gift.

      Can I get some others, please?

      Thank you!


    • Cassie Dull commented
      March 30, 2021 17:00

      If attributes are the only way to add custom fields to a donation form, it's much needed. However, I'd much prefer to have the ability to add basic fields to a form (radio button, dropdown, text entry, etc.) AND have those fields populated in the confirmation email.