Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-3580 Gift Attribute / custom field options for Donation Form.

Custom Fields NXT Donation Form Merged

I am quite baffled how there are multiple suggestions for this with plenty of people voting on it over the last two years, and yet no response or update from Blackbaud. How this product was made live in its current form is concerning.

There needs to be the option to create more custom fields in the NXT Donation Form Designer. At the very least, even the option to add the only existing "comments" filed again would be a decent stopgap solution. However, we desperately need the option to create custom fields, for example: class year, if a parent - year of the student, etc. Not to mention the need for tribute information.

This needs to be addressed.

  • Tim Cullen
  • Oct 20 2021
  • Shipped
  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    April 26, 2023 15:21

    We've now added support for gift custom fields to the RENXT donation form to join the already available constituent custom fields. Check out yesterday's What's New for more details!