Change Dismiss button in Needs Attention section in Work Center to dismiss the tile and not have it return nightly.

In the Work Center, the Needs Attention tiles are brought up by the top 25 records that the system flags as highest priority. While you can Dismiss the tile, it refreshes nightly based on the tag. The challenge with this is:

  1. I've already scheduled an action for the constituent. When it refreshes nightly, it's very easy to add another action because the system doesn't recognize an action was scheduled or taken.

  2. The tag is irrelevant and therefore the constituent does not Need Attention. For example, the constituent is a staff member or a donor that gave a one time large gift 10 years ago.

  3. Dismissing the tile, only dismisses until the following day which is confusing.

This clutters the Needs Attention section.

The next edit should be editing tags so that organizations can change what happens with them in the same way you have flexibility in opportunities or actions.

  • Molly Gascoigne
  • Apr 27 2020
  • Attach files
  • Julie Sampson commented
    October 06, 2021 23:37

    And also enable us to bulk delete tags ie recent gifts - I have hundreds come up each month when we charge for monthly giving and then I need to dismiss one at a time. Very time consuming.