Committed but Not Paid in Giving Summary Should Apply to Soft Credited Constituents

Currently, if a constituent is soft credited for a pledge that hasn't been paid, their "Committed but Not Paid" section reads as $0, which is not an accurate summary, especially for spouses. If we're on a call with a non-Head of Household spouse, we would never know the couple has an outstanding pledge unless we drill down into every pledge we see in their gift section, which is unreasonable.

  • Daniel Bayer
  • Nov 21 2019
  • Attach files
  • Waileia Mineshima-Eldredge commented
    November 13, 2020 00:44

    Than you Daniel. This is big for us, we have Trustees that are not the HOH, but we review their record. We need to see the complete picture, as stated in the idea.