Configure Committed to allow selection of Pledge balance, instead of Pledge Amount

Thanks for the great work on SKY Reporting!

Something to consider:
In RE there is a bit more configuration options on summarizing amounts "Committed". We have calculated our totals by adding:

  • all cash gifts and payments
  • pledge BALANCE
  • write-offs

Would be great to have a configuration option to include pledges (but to check only include pledge balances). Since RE gift entry functions allows you to apply a payment from one campaign, fund, or appeal against a different campaign, fund, or appeal. This means your total pledge amount per fund might not match your total payments per fund.

  • Blake Moody
  • Nov 1 2016
  • Attach files
  • Brittany O'Dowd commented
    September 23, 2020 16:50

    This is really problematic. We just converted to RENXT, and now my team can't use Reporting to see our total progress. Only being able to see the Committed amount is just plain incorrect. This makes all the Totals in standard reports wrong because it double counts a payment with the pledge. As Eric said below, our fundraisers only care about pledge balances.

  • Eric Baerg commented
    June 24, 2019 20:56

    My fundraisers only care about pledge balance.  They want to see it side by side with amount received so that we can get an accurate picture of the fundraising efforts for the year.  Amount committed without the ability to limit it to balances outstanding doesn't really tell us anything helpful.  I'm not only talking about overdue balances either.  I need to see into the future.

  • Elaine Montgomery commented
    December 20, 2018 17:38

    Yes, please. Pledge Balance is crucial when calculating total raised to a fund. Please add this functionality to the new custom report builder. 

  • Blake Moody commented
    December 14, 2017 16:28

    Any ideas on this becoming a reality? At the beginning of 2018 we will write off 2017 pledges with a balance and would love for dashboards to reflect our other reporting.