Consistent Functionality

Consistency is an issue in RE:7, most notably with the Events Module.  It doesn't work quite the same as the rest of seems to have been developed as a separate piece and then shoe-horned into the overall product.  I'm starting to notice this with RE:NXT as well. 

Most recently, with how the Date Pickers work.  Most places at least allow you to type in a date range.  However, some of the Filters (like in a Gifts List) allow only preset date ranges.  And not enough of them (I'm looking for March the Detail behind a report I pull outside of RE...I can get Last 7 Days or Last 90 Days, and even if Last 30 Days was an option, it wouldn't get me what I need).  And then in Analyze: Proposals, the Date Filters are all labeled and you must select each month in the dropdown separately.  Not sure what happens when you select all the months (that have at least 1 record in that month) of FY16, save the View, and a proposal is added with a date in another month...does the View update?  Probably not.  So I'd have to review the list of Dates, and resave the View.

I do, however, like that you can now save a looking for the ability to save one for someone else.  Saving Lists and Views should be consistent as well.  With the Views, I just saved one as Test.  Changed a Filter and went to resave/update...must first Delete the Test View before I can reuse that name.  And Delete isn't working currently anyways.

I'm sure I have more examples of places that could use more consistency, but I can't find all my notes at present!

  • Jen Claudy
  • Apr 25 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 01, 2016 12:47

    I completely agree with you Jean. The more that is rolled out for NXT the more and more it is looking like a hodge podge of functionality slapped together just like RE:7 without conformity or standards.