Link Raiser's Edge field names to RE NXT so that they will update.

The tool that allows you to change field names in the database is not mapped to the web view version. Currently when you change (ex.) the "Fraternity/Sorority" field to something else, you do not see the change reflected in RE NXT.

  • Guest
  • Aug 30 2019
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  • Maya Rosman commented
    26 Feb 19:33

    Please do this. We depend on some of the ways we rename fields to make processes clearer for our staff. And, as things move forward, we need the ability to manage how fields display and change field names in webview (assuming all functionality will eventually move from database view to webview) and have the renamed fields show up with the renamed values in system tools like query and export as well.

  • Rachel Newbury commented
    November 04, 2021 12:10

    Linked ideas:

    RENXT-I-222: 48 votes

    RE7-I-1814: 21 votes - correction of ref in post below

    RENXT-I-2523: 9 votes

    RENXT-I-2548: 7 votes

  • Rachel Newbury commented
    November 04, 2021 10:13

    As per Martin Knowles' comment below, please link this idea to the two ideas he's listed, plus:
    All four ideas are essentially asking for the same thing and together they have 85 votes.
    RENXT-I-222: 48 votes
    RENXT-I-1814: 21 votes
    RENXT-I-2523: 9 votes
    RENXT-I-2548: 7 votes

  • H commented
    November 02, 2021 12:02

    We have the same issue across the database but primarily with the Education tab where the standard fields names are US based.

  • Martin Knowles commented
    October 20, 2021 11:00

    Please link this idea to the similar/same ideas of

  • Martin Knowles commented
    October 20, 2021 10:56

    Adding to this topic to raise awareness in it again. We are about to go live with NXT as an upgrade from RE7 and the lack of ability to rename fields in Web view is a major issue for us, especially for the Education fields.

    We were encouraged to customize our RE7 environment to best fit our purposes by the BlackBaud consultants during implementation. We were sold this feature as a major selling point of the product, so it seems completely unreasonable that it has been discontinued in BlackBaud's latest flagship offering of the same product. All of Blackbaud’s competitor products in this sector offer this feature for good reason – it is very useful if not essential for global software to be customisable to local circumstances.

    Some of the Education fields in RE7 are most suited to US institutions, Fraternity for instance means nothing to UK Universities, and in our case this has been renamed to Study Level and contains UG or PG for Undergraduate or Postgraduate students. RE by default doesn't have a field to hold the study level, but this is very useful segmenting information for us and is regularly used in queries. Any of our NXT users trying to create Web view Lists of just our undergraduates will now find it difficult and certainly not intuitive to do this.

    Some of our field names have been swapped over, so we have colleges in the Subject of Study field and subjects in the Campus field for instance to make best use of the data types available. This will be very confusing for users to effectively see the data in the wrong fields and this will undoubtedly lead to data errors when our occasional users forget which is which.

    As a solution to the problem, we have been advised by our Blackbaud consultants to double up the data into Attributes/Custom fields with suitable names so we can effectively rename them. This will create unnecessary work for anyone editing this data, a data quality risk if the RE7 fields are updated and the attributes missed, and another source of confusion for users. Additionally, when NXT catches up and we can edit the Education data in Web view, we will remain tied to using the database view to maintain the data and attributes, and running regular clean-up routines to identify any attributes that have got out of step. Working in this way should be a temporary work-around at best, and definitely not a long term solution.