Need a SKIP button on Pledge Payments set up as recurring gifts in BBMS OLX

When you make an adjustment to a pledge automatically creates an adjustment to the original pledge payment. You can skip a payment for a regular gift without having to make an adjustment (to the payment schedule). Which is a wonderful option because you don't have any posting entry created to a closed fiscal year. This same option should be available to the pledge payments that are attached to BBMS OLX via a recurring gift payment.  There are many reasons why a recurring gift may get declined and the months can snowball to try and fix the credit card whether its expired, closed, etc. before getting a payment back up with the donor.  It is not always the case where the donor wants to make up the payments which causes and issue because the original payment dates will still pop up to process and in order for you to take them out of the recurring gifts to process (because the donor doesn't want to make up for the missed months) you have to change the payment schedule....because there is no SKIP button. So when you change the payment schedule this creates and adjustment to the original pledge gift. And if someone takes more that 1 year (5-8-10 years) to pay towards their pledge and they miss payments along the entry will be created to post to a closed fiscal year. Forever leaving an entry on your exception report. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 6 2019
  • Attach files