Provide a consolidated view of all Attachments related to a Constituent

Right now, attachments in NXT can be added in the main Constituent page as well as within a specific action. I believe that all attachments added in an action should also be viewable within the main attachments tab with a tag that these attachments are linked to an action.


This should extend to all future implementations of attachments (gifts, proposals, etc.). All attachments that belong to gifts and proposals should be viewable on the main page but be clearly indicated as belonging to a separate part of that record.

  • Guest
  • Mar 15 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Emily Citraro commented
      November 17, 2022 18:32

      Yes please!

    • Dustin Price commented
      June 30, 2022 20:37

      OMG Please! I had users upload signed gift documents and now there is NO WAT TO FIND THEM!!! (aside from everyone remembering exactly what they did or me manually looking at ever record in our database). Am I missing something, or is this severe oversight from BB?

    • Scotland Preston commented
      February 04, 2022 17:59

      This would be very helpful! I believe an attachment should be added to the action/opportunity/gift record for record keeping, but our fundraisers do like to see all attachments in one place!

    • Chris Vaz commented
      February 01, 2022 22:46

      Hi community!

      we need to join forces to push Blackbaud to create a better way of finding attachments in web view. I created this idea and I'm hoping I can count on your vote. I-4889

      You certainly got mine.

      Thank you! RENXT-I-4889

    • Ray Curenton-Dillinger commented
      June 18, 2020 15:57

      This would be SO helpful to our organization.

    • Julie Hiland commented
      January 07, 2020 18:19

      Status update on this please? My fundraisers are coming to me asking me where their media/attachments have gone. Turns out, they're buried under individual opportunities.

    • Guest commented
      August 22, 2018 21:38

      Let's get this done. Thanks!

    • Gary Nicholls commented
      August 05, 2018 21:06

      It is not currently intuititive for users. Users expect to see all Attachments in one place. They should not have to go searching in Actions or Opportunities to see if any more are lurking in the background

    • Guest commented
      February 01, 2018 14:48

      This would be such a nice enhancement that seems intuitive!

    • Guest commented
      January 31, 2018 18:28

      Would love to hear a status update on this.

    • Guest commented
      May 30, 2017 14:08

      This is the response I received regarding attachments made to opportunities in the database prior to converting to NXT :  

      "After testing, our developers have determined that RENXT is actually working correctly.  We found that the media records in question were not attached to a proposal at the time that the media record was converted to NXT web view media/attachments.  When this happens linking the RE7 media to a proposal does not retroactively update the RE: NXT media.

      To resolve for those existing attachments seemingly out of place in the web view, please download the document in question.  Once downloaded they can add it to the Opportunity record manually.  I'm very sorry for any inconvenience, but that is why the new records we added and linked correctly to the Proposal/Opportunities were correctly appearing on the Opportunity record in the web view."

      Now we are supposed to download ALL of our proposal media attachments and re-attach them in NXT.  This should have been part of migrating to NXT.


    • Jarod Bonino commented
      May 22, 2017 18:37

      Thanks Jane. I received your email and I'm working with our support team to look into your issue. I've also renamed this Idea to more broadly relate to the request and hopefully make it easier for others to find and vote for. Thanks!

    • Guest commented
      May 22, 2017 18:32

      The situation where our media became detached from Opportunities may be due to inactivating the media type.  Even upon re-activating the media type the media did not appear in Opportunities.  The media appeared only in the constituent record. 

    • Jarod Bonino commented
      May 22, 2017 18:13

      Hey Jane, media on proposals in database view should appear as Attachments on the Opportunity record in web view. Double check to make sure you are looking for them on the Opportunity record itself, and not on the Constituent record. If you don't see it there, I would agree and would encourage you to call support to report the issue or send me an email @ and I'll help get a case opened for you.

    • Guest commented
      May 22, 2017 17:06

      our proposal media attachments made prior to converting to NXT are not appearing in RE-NXT.  This is quite a bug.  I'm hoping this is resolved as I do not want to spend time trying to re-link all the missing media in opportunities.

    • Jarod Bonino commented
      May 22, 2017 16:21

      Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken so long to get a reply to this. I can assure you that we are listening!  This is something that we have dedicated time to designing and discussing and completely agree with it being a valuable addition. At this point it is entirely a prioritization and opportunity cost exercise in terms of when. We do use the idea bank to help with this, so continued voting on ideas like this do help! But just know that at this point, this functionality is not a question of if, but when. I will keep this idea updated when we have an idea as to when this might be delivered so stay tuned!

    • Guest commented
      May 22, 2017 15:39

      Anyone from Blackbaud still listening? This would be make so much sense. My team is baffled that they cannot add attachments to an action and have those attachments be lost to other users unless they knew exactly which actions to look under.

    • Tammy Yugin commented
      April 18, 2017 13:55

      Hello, I just wanted to follow up to Thai-Son's last comment and see if there was an update? This would be very useful.

    • Guest commented
      March 22, 2017 17:01

      Wondering if there has been any further thought on the part of Blackbaud toward the implementation of this feature since last year?

    • Graeme Elliott commented
      November 18, 2016 11:14

      Have to agree with the OP and everything below - being able to assign attachments to particular proposals and actions is useful, but not at the expense of removing them from the attachments tile in the constituent record.


      Jen's suggestion below seems to me the ideal scenario - attachments appearing in the opportunities/actions with which they are associated and the Attachments tile in the Constituent record functioning as a repository of attachments with a filter feature.

      I see this has been under consideration since March so there must be some objection to this, but it would be a very useful feature for us and would simplify the use of the interface.

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