Attachments need to be viewable in BOTH database view and NXT. Also a description field.

You should be able to add an attachment in either database or NXT and it should be viewable in BOTH. Until there is no longer a database have to have it that way.

  • Guest
  • Feb 25 2022
  • Attach files
  • Christopher Horn commented
    11 Jul 14:41

    I'm assuming there's no way to make attachments viewable in database view and web view and that that's not a goal because the end goal is web view only, but there still should be a description field. I've already entered countless media descriptions so that our staff can see which file they need on a record at a glance, and I would like for that all to be accessible when switching to web view rather than countless files named "Media_96" with no tags. At the very least, an option to convert descriptions to tags would be good, but honestly I think a description field like lists or dashboards have is good for information security and convenience.