Priority of New Features

I apologize if this comes across as rude or snarky.  I really don't mean it to be but it's something I've been wondering about.  I'm not a Blackbaud software designer, I can't even begin to imagine what goes into programming all the features that NXT has/will have so I know I don't have the knowledge or understanding of how much work it takes to make each and every aspect of NXT ready for mass consumption. That being said...

I'm really exited about things like the Workflow Designer or (based upon the roadmap we'll see this sometime "soon") auto-recurring gifts, etc.  Part of the greatness of the web view is/will be the ability to have more automated features and do things that are impossible to do in the database view. But these are features we've lived without for years while there are other things that seem to me more important.  For example, required fields, being able to create a list/query using "or" or "does not equal", filtering on more fields when creating lists or dashboards.  I think its these types of things that are holding a number of my co-workers back from really jumping in to NXT with both feet. 

I know everything is not going to be the same or that all database view functions will be part of the web view, why create a new version if they were, but some of these are "basic" features of the database view that, to me, are essential.  I don't mean to speak for everyone but if I was forced to guess I'd say that most of us use those types of things. We require some way to do these things that addresses those needs, even if it's not the same way, so that we can do more in the web view and not have to spend a majority of time in the database view.   To be honest that's why I'm writing this. I really want to spend my time in the web view.  I'm excited by it, think it's gonna be great (greater?) when I can spend most of my time in the web view with just a minimal amount of time in the database view.  Granted as a Database Manager I'm pretty sure that I might be one of the last people who's able to do all that I do in the web view but I'm still a little kid on Christmas Eve. 

I guess I just don't understand the priority of what's being done. As is mentioned in every roadmap webinar, there's no way you could possibly guarantee that x will come before y but perhaps just some reassurance that Blackbaud understands how important these things are and that it's not all about the exciting new features.

  • Matthew Nareff
  • Mar 28 2019
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