More flexibility in Criteria and Output in NXT Lists (more in-line with Database view options)

In working with Lists in NXT, I feel like the major difference in results between NXT and database is that we can't dictate as specific information in our criteria, nor can we designate the exact information we want to see in our output.

Criteria example - being able to use only an end date for a constituency code in database view...but having to use both a start AND and end date in NXT. We frequently use the same constituency code for multiple people that has the same end date, but it may not be assigned with the same start date.

Output example (Constituent List) - wanting to see all giving that a group (specifically Board members) has done in a specific date range, to specific Campaigns, etc. But the output of a Constituent List only shows first/last/greatest/total giving information.

  • Curtis Cecil
  • Sep 29 2022
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