Constituent Code Filtering - Open vs. Closed

This would make it so much easier to prep quick mailing lists out of NXT. Or just get an accurate picture of Consitutents with their current Constituent Codes.

Right now, when filtering on Constituent Codes, you cannot create a list that contains only Constituents with an open i.e. no end date. This renders this filter pretty much useless. Very disappointing. Why have start/ end dates on the Constituent Codes if you can't use them to query or make lists. This was from the help desk: "after reaching our internal resources and also double check this with my team it seems that how the system is hard coded unfortunately this is not possible we will still get the constituent with those constituent codes even they have an end date. I just tested this on database view as well in a query and still getting the constituent in the results."

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  • Feb 28 2020
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