So many updates can be done to Events web-based view that would make event planners lives so much easier such as:
Deleting multiple constituents at once rather than deleting one by one.
Being able to pull a gift list in NXT and adding that gift list to the event.
Changing participation levels for multiple constituents at once
Adding those who are not constituents to an event
allowing to put guest name without that guest having a record
Creating an event within an event
such as if you have a reception or small get-together before a main event to combine those two events
Add location of the event in Web-based view
It would make things so much easier if there were more capabilities in web-based view for events like in database view. It makes the life of an event planner much more complicated that we have to keep switching back and forth between database view and web-base view to enter data. It should be available all in once place.