All the functionality of Database view should be available in NXT webview

Given that we have been told that the intention is to "switch off" Database View at the end of 2024, this is obviously what is needed.

  • Andrew Clinch
  • Feb 2 2023
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    • Guest commented
      19 Mar 22:21

      Eventually RE databaseview will fazed out. I saw the article that Blackbaud will move all the critical compoments to Web view (RE NXT) by end of 2025. I do not like that at all.

    • Lindy Kingins commented
      13 Mar 14:14

      Database view is the Cadillac that has been fine-tuned over years, is user-friendly, customizable, and (for the most part) works well. NXT webview is a software that looks and feels like it has been stripped back 25 years. It is clunky, things are difficult to find, and the overall format is terrible. This is a system clearly built with the 'viewer' in mind and not intended for the people who actually have to do the work. It is frustrating to see that some of the issues pointed out 4 years ago have still not been addressed. I always attempt to do what I need to do in web view but invariably end up going to database view within minutes ... often seconds. There is a lot of functionality missing from web view that still make it unusable. Memberships. Export Module. Import Module. Global add/changes. User Options. The list could go on and on. Most software's have a 'back-end'. Database view should never be eliminated.

    • Sarah Connors commented
      06 Feb 18:50

      can't we just keep database? Don't like using webview. It is good for fundraisers. Not the data entry and financial staff

    • Cindy commented
      24 Jan 17:40

      I agree! ALL the functionality of database view MUST be available in web view. Or database view must remain available for use. Too many job functions require database view.

    • Anonymous commented
      14 Jan 16:28

      I agree!

    • Carol commented
      October 24, 2024 10:15

      I last commented on this thread in March 2023. The gift aid declarations have now made an appearance in NXT but the Tributes and flexible JG integration are still missing. I am hoping at BBCon next week they may have an answer to when things will happen. I'm not holding my breath though, it seems that anything required in the UK is not being looked at.

    • Frank Ortiz commented
      August 13, 2024 16:40

      For this to get to almost 800 votes shows how important it is to NOT do away with the database view until everything is available through the web view. Also as to why webview should NOT be touted as the greatest thing when you cannot pull a simple list for mailing... which is not only very common, but every single organization completes this task, yet it is not adequate to use webview to complete this task.
      As it is today an example of how inadequate the webview is - a year ago (August 2023) someone made a request/suggestion to be able to pull addressee & Salutation (including additional custom ones) in list view - but here it is a year later, and that is still something that is unavailable in webview with lists. This issue is actually quite crucial to most orgs who have multiple teams/leaders pull lists, but they cannot use them for mailings.
      Just want to be crystal clear - please make this happen soon.

    • Katherine Flowers commented
      June 18, 2024 20:26

      This is the first I have heard that database view is scheduled to end soon and I hope it is just a rumor. There is NO way I can do my job using the functions available in the NXT web-view. My biggest fear is that Blackbaud will add query, export, import, and reporting functions to the web-view that are not fully functional and don't mirror the exact features available in database view.

      I too have to ask why Blackbaud feels it is necessary to end database view? What is the harm in keeping it for those of us who need to access all of the functions I mentioned? In our office, the fundraisers love to use the webview and the ops team loves the database view. So why not keep both and keep all of your clients happy?

    • Guest commented
      May 30, 2024 18:06

      Like many others have mentioned, I also work almost exclusively in the Database view. There are too many important functions in the database view that if they are not fully functional in NXT, will be useless. I have also had the issue of having to duplicate a lot of my work in NXT, when it is clean and precise in the database.

    • Kit Nelson commented
      May 20, 2024 23:34

      I mainly work with gifts & batches in RE - database view for sure has much more functionality at present. In particular we need to have something that notifies us when a constituent address has changed as a result of information they've submitted & a "global change" feature just in case an donate or event form has been set up incorrectly.

    • Maryann Perrotta commented
      May 07, 2024 20:14

      NXT is NOT ready for Database to be turned off. I only work in Database view and will continue to do so until everything including Query, Export, Reports, Mail, Batch, Admin, Config functions are present and working in NXT.

    • Guest commented
      May 07, 2024 19:40

      Has Blackbaud ever given a reason WHY database view needs to go away? We have decades of infrastructure built in DB, we work well in it, and honestly webview makes a product like Salesforce look more than equivalent if we have to rebuild everything anyway.

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      March 14, 2024 23:38

      I have not heard about a "switch off." The functionality is far from ready to do that.

    • Guest commented
      March 13, 2024 15:35

      Switching off Database View is the worst idea in the history of ideas. Please don't.

    • Darla Kaufman commented
      March 07, 2024 18:57

      I agree with the comments posted. We keep saying use NXT but the functionality even for events sends you back to database view.

    • Maryann Perrotta commented
      December 20, 2023 17:14

      I wholeheartedly agree, if all the functions for a DBA are not available in NXT what is the point of using NXT? I have been working in Raiser’s Edge since 2003 and we have been hosted since October 2019. As the DBA, I very rarely go into NXT since all of my work can be accomplished easily and precisely in the database view. When I have extra time, which is never, I try and create and duplicate things in NXT, only to be frustrated. Please do NOT turn off Database View for all of us who need it to complete our work.

    • Farahnaz Hossenally commented
      November 30, 2023 13:28

      We're wasting too much time trying to get NXT to work for the task-at-hand, only to have to duplicate the work by going back to Database View to preform the relevant work.

    • Tim O'Keefe commented
      November 28, 2023 18:26

      I ran into the issue today of NXT appeal reporting lagging WAY behind the database reporting. Trying to keep tabs on where we are with Giving Tuesday in real-time is not possible in NXT! Yikes.

    • Holly Salisbury commented
      November 21, 2023 15:12

      It is imperative that all NXT functionality be available in the database view whilst the database view is the only place to do imports etc. Otherwise you have to go into NXT and manually add data after the import, which defeats the purpose of the import function. Example, solicit code dates in NXT but not DB view and not available to import through a solicit code import.

    • Guest commented
      November 06, 2023 19:58

      I extensively use database view for RE Imports, Global add, Global changes, Exports, Queries including merging queries, linking database fields from back to Power BI etc. So we do not want DB view to be removed .

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