Allow user to choose Head of Household(HOH) when creating a spouse relationship

When you create a spouse relationship in the RE NXT webview you are not given the choice to pick which person is the HOH and in the database view neither record is marked as Head of Household.  This means that if you run and Export in RE database view and choose Head of Household only, that neither spouse will even appear in our Output.  You could miss important people in your list because of this issue!  

  • Chris Wright
  • Mar 25 2019
  • Shipped
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    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      June 15, 2020 18:28

      Hey Everyone,

      This item shipped last week and it should be live for NXT now. You will be able to select the HoH when adding a relationship (constituent relationship) via the NXT constituent add form.

      I hope it helps!


    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      April 15, 2020 12:31

      We are currently working on this item and expect a release in Q2.

    • Guest commented
      July 24, 2019 19:57

      This would be great with filtering through prospect lists. Instead of counting a husband and wife's individual records as 2 records it should count only the HOH as 1 prospect so the fundraiser has a true sense of how many prospects they have.

    • Marguerite Gravois commented
      July 24, 2019 18:46

      Since we are dreaming big here, it would be nice to be able to lock the HoH (much like the "editable" box on the add/sal field) to prevent it from being changed by ConnectRE.

    • Marguerite Gravois commented
      March 26, 2019 15:21

      We would like this ability in NXT.  Doesn't RE db automatically assign one of the spouses to be HoH?  ConnectRE randomly assigns HoH which has resulted in lots of clean up before we can believe what's in Export.