Indicate Head of Household on NXT

When working with multiple records for a couple, it would benefit development to know which record is the head of household or the primary constituent for entering actions and opportunities.

  • Nancy Hartman
  • Jul 21 2016
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    • Jessica Wade commented
      June 17, 2020 14:31

      Awesome, thank you!

    • Lisha Yates commented
      June 16, 2020 18:32

      Will this soon be available as a Column option to show in a list?

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      June 15, 2020 18:56

      We are tracking the lists option in this item and that should be out in a few weeks.

    • Eric Baerg commented
      June 15, 2020 18:52

      This is a nice indicator, but is it available as a filter in Lists?

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      June 15, 2020 18:27

      Hey Everyone,

      This item shipped last week and it should be live for NXT now. You will see a notation in the constituent summary and also in the Relationships tile.

      I hope it helps!


    • Karen Roop commented
      June 05, 2020 15:04

      Fabulous. This is greatly needed!

    • Sharley LaMora commented
      April 15, 2020 14:43

      Very Exciting! A game-changer!

    • Elizabeth Johnson commented
      April 15, 2020 12:34

      Thank you Anthony and all that will make this happen!

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      April 15, 2020 12:29

      We are currently working on this item and expect a release in Q2.

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      July 30, 2019 15:13

      I just found out that neither constituent is being automatically marked head of household when linking/creating spouse relationships in NXT. Therefore, those folks were being dropped off our mailing list since we only mail to the head of household. This needs to be fixed please.

    • Peter Folkert commented
      February 19, 2019 13:56

      The same idea is being voted for at

    • Ashleigh Mills commented
      January 29, 2019 17:03

      It would be extremely helpful to be able to see HoH in NXT - most of my gift officers are using NXT and putting things into non-HoH records because they have no way to tell.

    • Lisa Burton commented
      January 25, 2019 20:24

      Please add this important field to NXT.

    • Michele Thompson commented
      January 08, 2019 18:21

      Definitely need this! We need to see who is primary (or HOH).

    • Barb Hutson commented
      November 19, 2018 16:28

      We converted a year ago.  Our old database had no ability to add relationships, so all spouses needed their own record. This has created a mess - and often gift officers look at the spouse and don't see actions and gifts. We need to know if this is a household record.

    • Rachel Bailey commented
      November 09, 2018 19:24

      I'm kind of flabbergasted that this wasn't baked into NXT from the get go.  Absolutely essential!!!

    • Melissa Graves commented
      October 04, 2018 17:18

      Hmm - I just realized when reading this that my business rule pop-up for non-HOH records probably does not work in NXT. We need something like this in NXT!

    • Guest commented
      August 14, 2018 14:39

      This is very important! Please update!

    • xochitl nisbet commented
      August 06, 2018 23:15

      IN Retention/Aquisition/Recapture- a) it includes same donors in more than one section. b) it includes donors that are not HOH (when spouses give separately or donors give through their foundation) c) this section ignores soft credits entirely- we need to have the choices of "soft credit to" like we do  in Query.

    • Peter Folkert commented
      July 25, 2018 14:05

      Absolutely this. I don't need one household showing up twice in a gift officer list because they are unable to filter out household members. This will hurt adoption of NXT web view if head of household is not available.

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