Membership Program and Category

Using the Membership tab is a combination of the Program and Category fields, however in NXT, only the Category shows on the top of a constituent's record. This is an incomplete picture. Instead of just showing "Category", it should show "Program - Category". 

  • Ryan Car
  • Feb 11 2016
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
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    • Barbara Davis commented
      August 05, 2024 13:59

      No, it does NOT already exist. It is true that the "membership TILE" shows
      both the "program" and "category", but the top section of the page (that
      shows the person's name, etc.) is only showing the membership "Category".


      [image: donate.png] [image:
      facebook.png] [image:
      instagram.png] [image:
      twitter.png] [image: youtube.png]

    • Susan Shebar-Fioribello commented
      January 30, 2023 16:29

      Our programs have multiple categories and some of the names are used across programs. For example, you can be at the Fellow category in 3 different programs. Having just the category showing does not tell us enough information.

    • Therese Junker commented
      October 05, 2017 15:03

      Please make membership fields available in NXT to filter and in columns!

    • Brooke Donovan commented
      April 13, 2017 19:30

      For us in higher ed, specifically it would be great to see that or a briefing of all the memberships at a quick glance. I know there is only so much room, but only seeing the most current or recent doesn't give that quick overview of everything. I.e. for us, important to see someone is an alum, leadership giving society and in the planned gift society quickly, if possible.