12:33:55 [Sunshine] We have 509 constituents in Raiser's Edge that have the constituent code "organization." When I try to do a constituent list with that filter in NXT, it only shows 46. 12:48:17 [Matt Kendall] Hello Sunshine. Give me just a moment to create a case for you. 12:48:28 [Sunshine] k 12:50:46 [Sunshine] Are you still helping me here? Or am I waiting for someone else to contact me? 12:52:33 [Matt Kendall] Can you send a screenshot of the code and what you see in NXT when running the list to matthew.kendall@blackbaud.com? 12:53:43 [Sunshine] What do you mean by "a screenshot of the code?" Do you want to see the filter section of the constituent list or something else? 12:55:29 [Matt Kendall] Send a screenshot of the code on a constituent's record within the database view. I'm thinking depending on how it shows on the Bio 2 tab can affect the list view in NXT. 12:57:28 [Sunshine] Sent 12:59:12 [Matt Kendall] Thanks. Looking here. 13:03:08 [Matt Kendall] Does this person show in NXT or is this one that is missing? 13:04:07 [Sunshine] This is one of the organizations that is missing. 13:05:59 [Matt Kendall] To verify something here, could you send a shot of a bio 2 tab of one of the records that shows? 13:07:07 [Sunshine] Sent. I looked up three of them, and they all have the code as the first code on the list. 13:10:06 [Matt Kendall] Reviewing the screenshots. 13:16:20 [Matt Kendall] I'm thinking the lists are pulling the first code in the database or the first date as mentioned here: https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/116028. 13:18:32 [Sunshine] Do lists only filter on primary constituent codes? That is less than helpful. I am doing this because it won't filter on Key Indicator. I just need a list of organizations that gave gifts this year for my execs to use. 13:19:19 [Sunshine] I could do this in the database view, but they use NXT and will want it updated as gifts come in. 13:22:07 [Matt Kendall] That's what I'm thinking based on what you're seeing. I wonder if you move that Org code to the top of the list and let the data refresh to the web view if you would see that record included. (The refresh could take a little time to sync.) 13:23:19 [Sunshine] I don't have the time to do that for hundreds of records, and that is not the code we want at the top of the list for most of the records. Thanks anyway. 13:27:27 [Matt Kendall] I understand. Thank you. 13:27:30 [Sunshine] I will suggest adding the word "primary" to that constituent code list filter to avoid confusion. 13:27:37 [Sunshine] Thanks
It looks like this was fixed a couple of years ago right after I added this idea. Thanks, Blake!
Sunshine, I just wanted to check on this idea. Constituent codes allow you to filter to the primary code on the record, or you can filter on any code on the record. I want to mark this as already exists, but wanted to check to see if that is what you meant with this suggestion.
Thanks for fixing this!?!