Single Constituent Addition in NXT

We have created many static lists for multiple people on our team to view campaign prospect listings plus various city listings so multiple can see updated actions and gifts in real time. The problem is that we can not remove or add indivual people without adjusting the filter which ultimately changes the whole list. Our hope is to be able to create your own list by adding individual constituents and when people are disqualified you would be able to remove them and with this list that multiple people would have access to change and update in real time.

  • Guest
  • Nov 1 2016
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  • Jen Claudy commented
    November 04, 2016 22:56

    You can save the NXT List as a 7 Query List.  Although the actual changes have to be done in 7, I think.

    A possible workaround is to put your list together (in NXT or 7) and Globally Add a Constituent Attribute (in 7).  Then you can Filter in your NXT List on that Attribute/Custom Field.  You must open the NXT Constituent Record in order to edit the Custom Field, which is a bit cumbersome but do-able, which means you can add/remove records, or you can segment a list by changing the value of the Attribute that you are Filtering on.