Memberships listed in NXT summary

Currently, only one membership is shown at the top of the NXT summary section. There are multiple Constituent Codes, but only one Membership. It would be helpful to list them all in the same matter as Constituent Codes.

  • Ryan Car
  • Aug 25 2017
  • Attach files
  • Nikki Long commented
    19 Feb 14:54

    Agree. This should show all Active memberships or you should at least be able to determine in settings which memberships/dates should show at the top so the most current information is displayed.

  • Kim Berry commented
    May 31, 2023 16:00

    This was suggested six years ago, could there be some action on this, please?

  • Ben Pendry commented
    May 21, 2021 14:31

    They all need to be there, PLEASE!!!

  • Kimberly Mitchell commented
    June 01, 2020 18:25

    Please show all active memberships!

  • Jenny Sills commented
    December 30, 2019 14:29

    Or at least have all the "active" ones.

  • Dan Snyder commented
    July 09, 2018 17:45

    Or at least have a "more" pill.