Create a list of Active Membership in NXT

There is not currently a way to run a list of members from the membership module in NXT. I was told I should add a constituent code for all Members so I can run a list that way.  Unbelievable!

  • Therese Junker
  • Aug 3 2017
  • Attach files
  • Suzie Capps commented
    February 20, 2023 16:06

    The lack of this in NXT is preventing many of our fundraisers who work with our memberships from using NXT - they still have to spend most of their time in database view.

  • Arianna Sikorski commented
    December 08, 2021 22:37

    Yes! So needed. Using constituent codes doesn't work, even with the start/end dates selected. So it's impossible to pull an active members constituent list in NXT.

  • Guest commented
    January 13, 2021 16:21


  • Guest commented
    January 18, 2018 18:45

    When will more options for list filters be available??? Haven't we waited long enough? Just tried to pull a membership list and - surprise! - that filter is not available.

  • Guest commented
    October 27, 2017 14:43

    An analysis on the Fundraising Page would also be helpful

  • Therese Junker commented
    October 05, 2017 15:07

    Please also add Membership status, program and category to the columns!

  • Guest commented
    September 19, 2017 21:09

    Please add the option of filtering by memberships - it still seems ridiculous that we can't filter on more criteria. I cannot wait until all the functionality is in the cloud!