Add Membership info to RENXT Lists

We need to filter lists by membership program, category and status. Please make membership program, category and status available in filter as well as in columns in NXT so our fundraisers can manage active, lapsing and lapsed members to our annual donor society.

  • Therese Junker
  • Oct 6 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Kevin Hardy commented
      April 11, 2023 16:19

      Kind of incredible that this has so many votes, and it's getting close to 6 years without it making to at least a planned status. I hope they surprise us at bbcon this year! :)

    • Suzie Capps commented
      February 20, 2023 16:05

      We were promised the membership module would be coming to NXT soon when we moved over - that was over a year ago. Please let us see / filter on membership info soon!

    • Wendy Smith commented
      December 08, 2022 20:35

      We need to be able to filter on current members in lists.

    • Jonathan Angell commented
      October 06, 2022 09:54

      Agree with the comments already left on this idea. Blackbaud should at least respond directly to these (seemingly obvious) ideas.

    • Rowena Ramos commented
      June 08, 2022 19:26

      a lot of data is stored under membership. if it's worthy of a tab in db view then it should also be in nxt.

    • Kate Curr commented
      October 06, 2021 06:33

      We need to ba able to display membership number as a default field in all constituent rrecords. It is the reference number we use for lots of other activities.

    • Susan Quinn commented
      September 21, 2021 15:06

      What everyone else has said.

    • Rochelle Bailey commented
      July 06, 2021 14:40

      It truly feels insulting to have to come here and vote on so many basic fields and common sense things from the database view.

    • Beth Martz commented
      June 21, 2021 13:58

      These are the missing features that keep us locked in database view. I would love to move completely over but if we can't get basic membership information the lists value is extremely limited. Please implement this feature.

    • Guest commented
      March 30, 2021 18:20

      Please, please do this. We've been requesting it for three years. We cannot adequately view our constituent relationships in NXT without this feature!

    • Meghan Miller commented
      August 27, 2020 21:07

      It makes no sense that this isn't included - you cant get a comprehensive snap shot of a constituent without knowing if they are a current member!

    • Karen Kimbell commented
      June 12, 2020 13:25

      How many votes will it take to get this implemented? NXT lists are useless to me as a membership director.

    • Kevin Hardy commented
      May 15, 2020 15:34

      Yes please add this.

    • Guest commented
      November 13, 2019 19:48

      I second what Carrie said. I urgently need this to grow our alumni association efficiently.

    • Carrie Sauer commented
      November 13, 2019 16:26

      This is an urgent need for us.

      Our alumni engagement staff and development officers do not have access to RE database view, but need to be able to look at lists of members of our alumni associations and donor recognition societies.

    • Leonard Newman commented
      October 30, 2019 06:13


    • Margie Hill commented
      June 10, 2019 19:00

      A good portion of my reporting is based on Membership fundraising.  I want to use NXT to produce my weekly/monthly reports, but if I can't pull in a donor's membership details I'm stuck in database view.

    • Christine Alexander Davenport commented
      May 24, 2019 22:41

      Why is there nothing about membership in the report builders? We raise 5 million/year from our memberships (from whom we cull donations) and should be able to report on that.

    • Monica Krzyszczyk commented
      December 05, 2018 18:57

      Please add the ability to run and filter lists based on Membership

    • Drew Matthews commented
      September 27, 2018 19:13

      Yes. We need to create a list based on membership data. High level members are an important donor group and the data is there - but we can't filter on it.

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