Business Phone Numbers Appearing in NXT

Currently, phone numbers stored on a constituent's business information in Raiser's Edge do not display with the business info on their NXT profile. The only phone numbers that do appear in NXT are those that are on the Bio1 tab in Raiser's Edge (including inactive numbers, which should have the option to be hidden). Since our business numbers are stored exclusively on the constituent's business info in RE, none of them are showing in NXT. It would be helpful to have this information appear either with the business address information on NXT or with the other employment info (Title, Organization, etc.).

  • Patrick Shandorf
  • Jan 26 2016
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    • Chelsey Gonzales commented
      September 10, 2018 17:45

      Not only business phone numbers listed under their business, but their business email.

    • Guest commented
      January 27, 2017 18:59

      I love NXT, but find it quite frustrating that the business phone numbers do not appear.  Consequently, I have to go into R/E the old way to find this information.   Can you please make this adjustment as it would add such great value to your product.