Constituent's Current and Historical Donor Category should be calculated and stored

I've looked and looked in the RE 7 and RE NXT ideas and can't find this although I know it's been asked for for decades:  When opening a constituent record and looking at gift information--perhaps on the Gifts Tile in the web view, but see the full request that follows--RE should show the constituent's current donor category level as defined by criteria set by the organization (which gifts types, date range, CFAs, etc.).  Additionally, users need to be override the category, certainly at year-end (when they might bump someone up manually who's close to the next level or give credit for some unusual situation not reflected directly in Gifts), and they want to be able to see what previous donor categories were.  Enable clients to be able to move attributes or other storage of this information to the new feature, such as importing it.

  • Bill Connors
  • Jul 28 2018
  • Attach files