Need the ability to configure how the system derives what displays on constituent records and lists, for FIRST, LATEST, GREATEST and TOTAL GIVING

The gift records in our RE database include many payments that are not donations (event activity, raffle tickets, etc), and which we do not want to see included in the gift history summary fields in constituent records and in lists.  In database view, we segment and filter these by campaign category.  We need a settings option in webview that would offer the same flexibility.

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2018
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  • Rita Nicholson commented
    October 03, 2019 19:37

    I am looking for the exact same thing.  Any luck with having this happen?

  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 13, 2018 15:21

    See also this related Idea:  The second part deals with excluding some Gifts from the totals...which was done in RE7 by Campaign Category, just as Rita describes here.