Giving Tile Summary Information

My boss just asked about the giving summary info.  He was looking at a record that has:

Latest Gift $1,000 12/2010

Greatest Gift $3,000 12/2005

But then in the box below, the first 3 gifts listed are more recent and 2 of them are higher amounts:

12/2014 $2,000

12/2013 $5,000

12/2012 $5,000


The problem is, these 3 gifts are soft credits from a foundation (donor-advised fund).  He wants them included in the summary information.  I would like to see an options panel or filter where you can choose what the summary information includes.  Ideally, a place where I (as the DBA) can set organization defaults, a User Options area where each user can alter those (or restore the org default), and a filter on the Constituent Record to change just this one time on this one record.  That would be the most versatile, as well as most helpful, in my opinion.

 Also, on this same record, which has a further Gift Detail of gifts (hard credits) in 12/2010 and 12/2009, as well as sporadically back to 7/1986, the Summary shows "10 years giving with 0 years consecutive."  I can see the 10 years as there are 10 separate Calendar Years (also Fiscal Years in this case, but I'm not sure which it is really counting on) with hard-credit gifts...which would be 13 including the soft credits.  But I assume this is Consecutive Years only when the current year includes a hard credit gift?  I would think in this case it would be 7 years consecutive counting SC and 4 years consecutive counting only HC, and the donor is currently a SYBUNT (when looking only at hard credits).

At the very least, a disclaimer or explanation note in the Summary Info box would be helpful so that Fundraisers are continually asking DBAs why the numbers don't seem accurate.  It makes the whole Summary Info box an added layer of confusion rather than a helpful tool.


On a related note, we also need to be able to filter out gifts based on Campaign (and probably other fields as well).  We track some giving that isn't actually Development giving, and it skews this box when it can't be excluded.


And, finally, I'd like to know what Date Field is being used (in addition to whether RE is calculating a "year" as a Calendar Year or a Fiscal Year).  We use the GL Post Date for the transaction date.  All of my Development Reports run on the Post Date.  This is similar to why I dislike Dashboards in RE:7...there are times when my totals by month don't match a Dashboard, because the Dashboard is looking at Gift Date and the Post Date might be in a different month (and can't be changed if the Finance Dept has closed the books on that month).

  • Jen Claudy
  • Mar 16 2015
  • Planned
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    • Hillary Cote commented
      November 02, 2022 20:17

      As Bill mentioned back in 2018: We would like to show giving totals by campaigns and funds. I pull a list of donors who have given to a particular fund, and the very next request is their total given to that fund. The ability to filter the first, latest, greatest, columns by fund as we do in DB view would make these lists so much more useful. They're meaningless when they're just a list of people. I see this is planned, but would really appreciate an update.

    • Bill Connors commented
      August 05, 2018 05:12

      I'm not entirely sure this is the right idea to add this to, but my clients and I would like the ability to filter and show giving totals by Campaigns and Funds (just like the Giving Summary in the DB view can do).  While we can currently filter by CFA on "Work with Gifts," filtering doesn't change any of the totals at the top of the screen so the user has to manually add up the details -- shouldn't be necessary.  (This might go elsewhere, but we would also like the ability to define by CFA the (or a) total giving column for Lists so a campaign director, for example, can see on a Constituent List the total amount the constituent has given to the campaign--as can be done in a db view export.)

    • Ronald Timm commented
      November 07, 2016 18:04

      I agree with the comments below.  We too want to have the option between Realized and Commitment.  For my Org we would want the Commitment to be the default for the giving tile.  It has been helpful now  that we have the choice of Realize and Commitment in the Analyze area but we also need it in the Giving Tile to prevent confusion for our Fundraisers. 

    • Guest commented
      May 02, 2016 20:10

      We need to be able to calculate the summary fields based on pledges and cash and not payments. This is not that unusual for a nonprofit to calculate on pledges and outright cash and not payments when determining their donors summary data so I am perplexed by the choice here and not being able to change the filter of it.

    • Guest commented
      April 21, 2016 18:03

      It would be great to be able to change the ‘view’ from Campaign vs. lifetime. Also gift type/subtype filters (pledges/pledge payments – Conditional/Pledged).  We use split funds so the fund filter should be able to be identified at the split gift level.  From there we need to see attributes on funds for grouping.

    • Guest commented
      December 17, 2015 15:19

      Just so you are aware, in response to Anthony Tomaino, you state the lifetime giving formula was intending on representing hard cash received, however it is pulling in outstanding pledge information to this total.  Customizing this Summary Display would be ideal.  Very happy this is on the Planned list.


    • Deleted User commented
      March 20, 2015 17:30

      We are currently doing research on the full lifetime giving formula. We want you to be able to set certain criteria for how you want your formula to work. Initially it was meant to represent hard cash received for items like first,latest, and greatest and the years calculation. Our goal is always to build off of this. Thanks for the feedback! 

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