Make Business Address Primary When You Create Relationship and Check "Primary" Box

When you create a new organizational relationship for an individual (i.e. new primary business), if you check the "Primary" ox for the address, it does NOT make the address primary.

If this is their preferred address, you have to:

  • Create the Address in the Relationship Tab
  • Save and Close
  • Edit the addresses
  • Mark the Business Address as Primary

It creates additional and unnecessary steps in NXT AND in Database.

  • Brian Bates
  • Jun 11 2018
  • Attach files
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    • Keri Barnhart commented
      June 11, 2018 17:34

      I think it should be a checkbox to "make address primary?" - a primary business relationship just means it's the first preference, but that's not always the primary address, too. In fact, having the business and personal addresses mingled in the database has caused some real unfortunate tangles as folks copy an address out of primary to change it instead of switching the primary checkboxes. (orgs got residental addresses as their preferred, which spread to other individual constituents.)