Making write-offs more visible on the constituent page and stop counting written off pledges as "greatest gift"

Having an issue with a written off pledge showing up as a constituent's "greatest gift" in NXT- also, in the gift summary on the constituent profile pledge, there is no indication that the pledge has been written off (unlike the giant red WO in the database view) . Please fix so we can reflect accurate gift amounts without deleting the written off pledge's gift records! 

  • Guest
  • May 4 2018
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  • Keri Barnhart commented
    May 16, 2018 13:02

    This is SUPER necessary! I was just training my team on lists and we used "first gift = $30" for one of our constituent list examples. One of our associate VPs sorted the list by Total Giving and even though the List was only people whose first gift was $30, there were a bunch of $0 total giving rows - but with columns with "Greatest Gift = $30", etc. VERY CONFUSING.

    Plus, if you then click on the constituent record and look at the gift tile, that total giving summary says 0 all the way across.

    There was no clear indication until you go into the gift itself and down into the pledge details that you can see it was written off. There needs to be something to make it clear. It would also help to filter out WOs from the displayed "greatest", "first", etc. as in the idea