Exclude write offs in total giving

We need to be able to exclude write offs in total giving. This is in reference to the total giving on a constituent list in NXT. Then lifetime giving will show a different value from your total giving criteria. This does not make sense to me. When would anyone want to report write off $ as revenue?

  • Mark Haiar
  • Aug 14 2018
  • Attach files
  • Bill Connors commented
    April 13, 2021 18:19

    Agreed! We ran a list with a criteria of amount greater than or equal to $1000. But the list shows donors with "Lifetime giving" of $590, $810, $900, etc. First, this is wrong, they didn't and won't "give" $1000+ and they shouldn't be on the list. The list is wrong. The difference upon research is clearly that Lifetime is deducting write-offs and the list filter is not -- and it doesn't provide the option to. Second, this greatly reduces the credibility of the software for the intended audience of lists: fundraisers. Fundraisers don't understand and care about this level of nuance and no explanation is going to be sufficient to "why did I filter for $1000+ and it shows me donors less than $1000?" It looks bad and raises unnecessary questions. You've rightly added Deduct write offs from Recognition, please give us the same option here. Thanks!

  • Lena Spencer commented
    April 13, 2021 18:15

    Absolutely needs to be separate and not part of total giving. A Pledge should not increase a donors totals of any kind until the payment is made. It skews your results and makes lists and reporting inaccurate.