Make the 'Source' a required field in the Patch 8 Consent Module System

Currently, only the channel, date and response are mandatory fields.

So the source could be left blank. But under GDPR it should be a mandatory field to ensure that all consent lines include a source for how the consent was gathered.

This would ensure that these three key points for consent are always recorded:

- Their consent - opt in / opt out / withdrawn

- How the consent was obtained
- The date it was obtained 

  • Guest
  • Feb 23 2018
  • Attach files
  • Amy Daultrey commented
    May 14, 2021 11:38

    3 years on and this is still not a required field. Surely it'd be a simple fix? Come on BB, please do this.

  • Mark Lennon commented
    February 07, 2019 12:07

    I can't believe there is no option to make this a required field. For every record where this is left bank, the consent collected will be invalid as there will be no verifiable audit trail. Why is Date required but Source not?