Filter constituent lists by custom fields

It would be great to filter lists by additional criteria, and most importantly by attributes/custom fields. We use attributes for things like source of record, mailing list, and target city. These are important fields. And I'm sure other organizations use attributes to house important information.

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  • Oct 29 2015
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  • Elizabeth Vaughn commented
    12 Dec 16:47

    see case #019938762

    We would like to enter a church number instead of a church name when searching for a particular church. This is due to several churches having the same name. We were able to do this in RE 7.96.

  • Kelly Porter commented
    January 09, 2020 19:55

    Would love to be able to run a list in webview that includes custom fields for the opportunities section.  Not sure why we can add custom fields to something that we can't report on.

  • Kate Lynch commented
    January 25, 2019 20:47

    We need to be able to filter by gift attributes for the financial reporting. Not able to reconcile campaign numbers from reports in RE vs NXT due to the lack of flexibility selecting gift types and filtering on gift attributes. If all the reports in RE offer this filter why didn't it translate to NXT, similar to soft credit options.  

  • kisha baker commented
    February 13, 2018 14:33

    Need Education Attributes in List

  • Guest commented
    May 25, 2017 12:44

    We would also like to be able to filter by education attribute and school type in the education section of the constituent lists.  

  • Dan Junkins commented
    October 19, 2016 15:53

    Thanks, I already used it this morning to create a new Constituent list!

  • Deleted User commented
    October 19, 2016 14:45

    You can now filter constituent lists with custom fields!  We'll continue building out list capabilities with new columns/filters and other features...if you have specific ideas/requests, feel free to create a new idea or vote one up if it already exists.

  • Aaron Boydston commented
    August 23, 2016 16:34

    I would put geographic filtering at the top of the list. Thus, an agent is going to San Francisco and they create a list of everyone in SF (probably with additional criteria too!).

  • Gus Figueroa commented
    August 04, 2016 20:22

    A filter to include "Key Indicator" would be helpful.  This would allow for differentiating between an Individual Constituent and an Organizational Constituent.

  • Aaron Boydston commented
    July 12, 2016 16:41

    I'm not even sure what specifically to request, because there are so MANY different criteria that we would like to filter by. So, please just start adding options and do not stop!

  • Guest commented
    June 15, 2016 20:23

    And to be able to filter by Constituent Code Dates (e.g. to select current vs. former).

  • Guest commented
    May 17, 2016 13:43

    Yes to what many others said. Geography is essential. Also Prospect Classification is a critical budgeting tool for us. Please please allow for filters on Prospect Classification!!!!

  • Dan Junkins commented
    May 11, 2016 00:27

    I second Class Year, Attribute and Geographic filters. Or simply add filter with RE Query.

  • Blake Moody commented
    May 03, 2016 22:11

    This is huge for us!

    • We find great value in being able to filter off of an attribute on our Fund called "Center" which is our branches.
    • We group appeals into categories, so having the appeal category is huge.
    • We also would love to filter by the proposal ("opportunity") fund or campaign.
  • Susanne Larsen commented
    April 27, 2016 18:26

    Attributes yes! It is such an important way of customizing RE.

  • Ryan Car commented
    March 29, 2016 15:02

    I didn't see this one and posted one similar. Yes, we are really fleshing our custom fields to capture what proposals can't and it would be very helpful to filter on those fields to build highly customizable lists.

  • Keith Scott commented
    March 08, 2016 09:08

    Fundraiser's are not able to explore prospects or donors from a particular city or country without some geographical filters. Not sure why this isn't included! 

  • Guest commented
    February 24, 2016 18:06

    Any update on if and when we'll be able to filter by attributes? We're so limited in NXT without this option as we use attributes to specify territories for solicitors, among other things.

  • Melanie Gisin commented
    February 23, 2016 15:58

    It would really be great to be able to filter by constituent attributes! They are also very important to us and it is almost always the first criteria in constituent (and other) queries. We're based in 10 cities and use the attributes to assign constituents to our chapters so they don't receive duplicate mailings and solicitations. 

  • Guest commented
    January 12, 2016 22:43

    Allow filtering by solicit codes so that I could exclude the do not solicit or do not call etc..  I know that the phone and address are flagged but sometimes I wouldn't even want them to show up on the list. 

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