Additional ideas for Filters

Would love for these things to be available as options for filters in Constituent Lists:

  • It looks like if you don’t select a Fundraising from the Assigned To drop-down, you will get unassigned prospects, but I’d like for “unassigned” to be an actual checkbox/selection you can choose to make that more clear for development officers as the majority of Lists they would run would probably be for outreach purposes, thus they would be more concerned with prospects that are NOT in somebody’s portfolio already
  • In the Custom Fields section, I would like the ability to exclude prospects who have certain action attributes, reason being that we track disqualified prospects here
  • In the Custom Fields section, I would like the ability in Custom Fields to include or exclude prospects who played sports as this would be useful to our Athletics team
  • In the Custom Fields section, I would like the ability to include or exclude certain Action Types as we currently track solicitation stage here (vs. the Prospect tab, which lacks a date and requires overwriting the last stage; we need this info for posterity)
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  • Dec 14 2017
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    • Laura Furtado commented
      June 20, 2018 15:36

      I would especially like to see the first point above. I need a way to filter lists based on those that are unassigned. I realize you can do that within your work center but I can't share this list with our gift officers.

    • Teddi Taylor commented
      January 19, 2018 16:40

      It's frustrating that Blackbaud didn't follow the same parameters in list filters as were available in mail/report parameter files in database view. We specifically used Attributes for mail preferences because they had dates and comments available to use and you could use them to include and exclude, whereas Solicit codes had neither of those and only allowed you to use it to exclude records based on Solicit codes. In NXT web view lists, you can't exclude based on Custom Fields and you can now include Mail Preferences! It's completely backward! Please allow us to EXCLUDE based on Constituent Code, Key Indicator Type, Custom Fields, etc.