Proposal Notes on the Proposals

I've noticed the proposal notes field from raiser's Edge is not visable in ReNXT.  We've used this for summary information on numerous proposals in RE previously.

  • William Tolentino
  • Oct 27 2015
  • Shipped
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  • Beth Martz commented
    September 22, 2016 18:04

    So what if the summary 'note' isn't enough?  What is the thought process on not allowing us to view the notes we have created, as many as we have created, with our own classifications.

  • Deleted User commented
    February 17, 2016 21:17

    You won't need to add this new type to RE7 - it will get added automatically as a system-defined note type.  In fact, if you create a user-defined type with the same name, it will only confuse users to see the duplicate value.

    The proposal summary note will work the same as constituent summary notes.

    • Once you add your first proposal summary note within RE NXT, a new system-defined note type of "RE NXT Proposal Summary" will be created in RE7.
    • This new note type can be selected for any proposal note within RE7 and will also be used for any note added from the RE NXT web view. 
    • RE7 will allow multiple notes on a proposal record to have that type, but RE NXT will only show the most recently edited note of that type as the proposal Summary note in the web view.

    So, the best-practice would be to wait for the release, then create a proposal note within RE NXT to generate the new system-defined type in RE7.  Then use the new note type on one note for each proposal in RE7 to better control which one will show in the web view.

  • Guest commented
    February 16, 2016 20:24

    Same question as Jennifer. We need to make sure we can get the notes in RE7 to appear in NXT, so hoping that if we change the type, they will show?

  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 16, 2016 19:42

    So we will need to change the Notepad Type from whatever it is currently in RE:7 to "RE NXT Proposal Summary" for it to appear in NXT?  If that is the case, I will start editing Type Tables to only allow the NXT Type so that data appears in NXT where needed...and look at using an Attribute to replace/indicate the Type.

    Also, it would be great to see a Business Rule or Setting in RE:7 that will prevent the User from entering a second Note whenever NXT will only show 1 (because it seems to be completely random which one it will show).

  • Deleted User commented
    February 16, 2016 19:21

    We're planning to add a summary note to proposals in the RE NXT web view in an upcoming release.  This note will show up in RE7 with a type of "RE NXT Proposal Summary".  We don't have any plans to add all the notes from RE7 to a tile in the web view, as we've found most proposals just need a single note, as you mentioned to track summary information.