Opportunity field Options

We use proposals [Opportunities in NXT] to build our gift officer's pipelines.  They are required to enter and track the proposal all the way through the actual gift. We have required fields for proposals that are not available via Opportunity entry. Our required fields are: Name, purpose, solicitor, deadline, status, type of gift, probability, status date, date asked and date expected.  All of these feed into our larger, combined pipeline.  I would like to see the opportunity piece with options to include any/all fields that are currently available on the general tab for proposals, or add some type of sub category underneath the opportunity space to allow gift officers to input this required info.  since this is such a big piece of our metrics, not having it in NXT is undermining our required use of it by our GOs. 

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  • May 11 2016
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    • Guest commented
      June 29, 2022 17:10

      This has NOT been shipped.

    • Deb Dressely commented
      June 08, 2022 14:32

      Required fields - Ideas on the RENXT bank and on the RE7 bank - half of them are marked as shipped and clearly they are not shipped. It's been six years now, can we fix this already!?

    • Kelly Pearson commented
      October 21, 2021 16:29

      Hi this idea says Shipped but has not. Please update us as to when this will become available, thanks.

    • Deb Dressely commented
      December 02, 2020 18:39

      NXT doesn't seem to respect the order of fundraisers assigned to an Opportunity. This is a critical component of our reporting process. In an effort to find an alternative way to address this we sought to use Opportunity attributes which are available in database view, but unfortunately not available in NXT view. How can an organization track a Primary fundraiser and note others fundraisers who assist in fulfilling an Opportunity?

    • Drew Matthews commented
      November 09, 2019 00:03

      This has not shipped. I see that this idea has been merged with a related idea. However, this idea (required Opportunity fields being honored in NXT) has not been shipped. I don't see another idea that replaced this one.

    • Guest commented
      March 14, 2017 16:47

      Don't agree with tying the gift type on proposals directly to the gift types in RE unless we can also use subtypes. we use subtypes extensively for planned gifts so just having gift types would still be a major limitation to us!

    • Guest commented
      March 14, 2017 16:41

      I agree! We had added an "instrument" tab to show the type of gift and a "Confidence" rating. Without these things RENXT is very difficulty to use for our MGOs. This is our number 1 problem! At least addding and attributes or custom fields section would allow us to migrate these fields.

    • Guest commented
      January 04, 2017 21:35

      In addition, the notes in the database under the proposal tab, do not transfer over under the opportunities, because there is no spot for notes under the opportunities tab in NXT.  I think this is a huge problem and for me, defeats the purpose of even using NXT, because I can't see any of my proposal notes from the database, nor enter new notes under opportunities.  Is this something you are looking into as well?

    • Deleted User commented
      August 29, 2016 20:18

      Hi everyone,
      We're starting some research on Prospects & Opportunities in RE NXT and would love to get your feedback on improvements you'd like to see in these areas.  If you're interested in meeting with us to share your thoughts and check out the latest prototypes, use the link below to choose a time that would work well.  Topics will include additional fields, usability & user experience in the web view, reporting & list building, and workflow enhancements.



    • Matthew Nareff commented
      August 24, 2016 14:22

      It looks as if most of the fields in the Database view are available in an opportunity in NXT but only if you go into an already created opportunity, not when you first create it.  So you have to create the opportunity, save it, then go into the full opportunity record to add notes, add an action or add an attachment.  It would be great if you could take care of this when you first create it.  It seems as if you've got an extra step if you want to fill out everything during creation.

    • Deleted User commented
      August 18, 2016 17:56

      Being able to filter on custom fields is a popular idea in the community and something we plan to work on at some point.

      For the Gift Type field, would it make sense to change this field to use the existing Type values for gifts instead of this being a code table specific to Opportunity gift types?  With that change, we could keep it updated to match the gift when it's linked to the Opportunity.  Are you using the Type field in the same way as it is on gifts, or does it serve other purposes?

    • Ryan Car commented
      August 09, 2016 18:49


         I like how Custom Fields has played out so far in NXT, we can dictate how we want the field to look. The problem we are having right now is that we cannot filter on our Custom Fields. I see your point on not making too many default fields, I think as long as we have the ability to filter on the fields we have created that would go a long way!

    • Deleted User commented
      August 09, 2016 18:41

      Thanks for thinking that through Kim!  Rating and Gift Type seemed like the most critical fields to us as well.  We will look at incorporating those into the product.

    • Guest commented
      July 26, 2016 18:57

      I hear you - and I also understand that NXT is not RE reimagined with all the same fields. Thinking through our process- which I don't think is too outside the norm, we push these into a list and ultimately out via export to create smart lists for gift officers and reports for SR management. Some are redundant which is why we redefined them - I understand those user updated fields will not translate.  So, thinking about what the development director wants/needs to see: Having a devoted field to Probability (now rating) would help in classifying.  Currently we use status for the stage of the proposal (assessment, cultivation, declined etc). We could probably work around the type of gift and instrument - possibly incorporating those into the name (ie. Smith 2016 Planned Gift Proposal etc) which makes sense to me. So, that means just adding one additional field - Probability.  I think we can change our process to make that work and it gives other orgs flexibility to use it for other purposes.  

      Since we don't have full reporting capabilities yet from NXT it's hard to think outside of what we currently do and imagine life in that realm - but I think by tweaking our processes now, it will mean better usage for the team during the transition.

      One other question - is there any thought on allowing the org to control the required fields in NXT as we do in most of RE?  I'm thinking that would help as we move to new models - having the control would mean less training and less cleanup.


    • Deleted User commented
      July 26, 2016 18:17

      We do have to be careful about bloating the default fields in NXT.  In some cases, if fields are not commonly used, it may make sense to use custom fields.  Is that an option for any of these - Rating, Instrument, or Type of Gift?  Can you explain how these fields add value for your users?  What are they doing with that data?  

      Would other field names make sense...for example maybe Rating would be better named as "Likelihood"?  

      Renamed fields do not carry over to NXT with their custom name - only the default name is used (ie. Instrument would show instead of Format).

    • Guest commented
      July 25, 2016 17:17

      Hi Jonathon- Yes sorry- I forgot I updated the Ratings field to read Probability.  So, yes that one. Type is important as well as it lets us differentiate between cash, pledge, property, comprehensive,  planned gift, etc .

    • Angela Bertrand commented
      July 20, 2016 16:00

      I looked into our format field and we re-named the 'instrument' field 'format'. So, it's not an attribute, just a co-opted field. 

    • Deleted User commented
      July 20, 2016 14:56

      Hi Angela, I don't see Format as a standard field for Proposals in RE7.  Is that an Attribute that you use?  If so, we allow Custom fields on Opportunities in RE NXT.

    • Angela Bertrand commented
      July 19, 2016 21:58

      We use the 'ratings' field as a probability and it is not available in NXT. We also use the format field (also unavailable)

    • Deleted User commented
      July 19, 2016 20:51

      Thanks for the suggestion.  By "Probability", do you mean the Rating field? Looks like we have all the fields covered except that one and Type of gift.

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