Add opportunity fields in NXT work center, opportunities section

All of the fields on the right-hand side of the proposal screen in database view would be extremely helpful to replicate in the NXT view. We use "type of gift" in the proposal screen to distinguish between a planned gift proposal or otherwise but I don't see that field, or anything to use as a substitute, in NXT. Additionally, it is necessary for us to track the date the proposal is declined for forecasting & closure rate purposes. It would be awesome if there was a separate field called "Declined Date." Filling in a date for a declined proposal in the "funded date" field feels odd to the gift officer and is not intuitive. Thanks.

  • Guest
  • Apr 18 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Fran Tucker commented
      February 02, 2021 16:42

      For users who work only in NXT - the missing fields are a problem. Database administrators have to constantly check for missing fields that are needed for reporting, NXT Reports, and much mor.

    • Kevin Hammond commented
      September 04, 2020 21:19

      I would vote for this as well as the DATE RATED field is a very important piece of data for us. As it is we will have to continue to make this entry in DB view until an analog in NXT is created.

    • Korena Varejcka commented
      November 01, 2019 16:32

      We renamed a couple of fields in RE7 but unfortunately it didn't carry over to NXT when we converted so now it doesn't work for our fund development team as well.  

      Adding appeals field would be helpful as there is a campaign and fund field.  

      Decline date would be AMAZING!  

    • Guest commented
      August 24, 2017 15:50

      we use type of gift and Reason fields.  Would love to see them soon so our fundraisers don't have to log into the 'dark side' of RE.  :-)

    • Blake Moody commented
      March 22, 2017 15:11

      I voted for this, because I agree with adding more fields (like Campaign, Funds, etc.)

      Side note: I haven't come across the need for the new fields for Declined date. We have a status called declined. and NXT tracks status history/age.

    • Tammy Yugin commented
      February 02, 2017 15:35

      Yes this would be extremely useful. We have also renamed two of these fields so would want to be sure the fields per their rename appear there. 

      Perhaps we could choose, as an organisation, which fields to show, so as not to clutter up the view.

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