Rolling Donor Acquisition Report is Misleading/Bad Data

The Rolling Donor Acquisition report (at the bottom of the acquisition tab) should show how many new donors we got in the past 12 months. The help article defines the report that way.

If you run a new donor report in the database view, you'll get a much higher number than the NXT report.

A customer service rep via chat told me that the NXT Rolling Donor Acquisition report is actually a new donor retention report. That's not how the report is defined, and the number doesn't match the First Year Donor Retention number on the retention tab.

Please redo the Rolling Donor Acquisition report, so that it actually shows donor acquisition (not new donor retention or whatever it's showing currently).

I am happy to chat to explain further, with real numbers from our database.


  • Kelly Wilkinson
  • Nov 16 2017
  • Attach files