Manually create lists that can be shared

Currently lists can only be created by filter. I would like to be able to select specific records to put in a list that can be shared with other colleagues. This would enable us to undertake cross-departmental planning and record management within Raiser's Edge, rather than having to use excel spreadsheets all of the time.

  • Rebecca Kendall
  • Sep 21 2017
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    • Molly Bouffard commented
      October 07, 2019 20:35

      So this would be similar to the "Specific Record" query in Database view, right? Very useful we use very often for a variety of things including, as mentioned below, record updates for people who might seem to have nothing in common but who we need to edit or view at the same time. ONly being able to choose by filter has meant I have to go back into database view. Specifically, recently my team was so excited to use events in NXT but we found out we couldn't create a "Specific Record List" of our hand-picked invitees.  We ended up having to do a mish-mash of excel, nxt, database view . . . it's still ongoing and horrific even though there are only 80 attendees it's been a nightmare -- and it COULD BE SO EASY! Great suggestion.

    • Molly Bouffard commented
      October 07, 2019 20:33

      OMG YES!!!! We use this for so many things including events where special invitees are hand-selected, or for updating information that comes through from other departments. VERY OFTEN you need lists that are not based on a filter. 

    • Mary Zieten commented
      May 22, 2019 12:28

      We would like this ability for purposes of emailing!  For instance, today we had to send out an email to a group that pretty much has nothing in common other than having prescription meds available at the school nurse.  So there was no good "starting point" to grab a list from, and it was all manual.  I was unable to use the new Mail system in NXT to do this, and ended up having to do it in Pushpage, which makes my communications department unhappy.  This is not the first time I've had to build a list from scratch, just the most recent example.