Add free-form text or note field to Lists.

We mainly export prospect lists from NXT to spreadsheets because it's tedious to add temporary and/or sortable notes to records. Maybe there can be a note field that lives only in lists (or that we can easily move over to record). So for example, we often put together prospect lists based on location or interest and then divide up the list for outreach. Would be awesome to be able to write a brief note in the lists indicated who should reach out and how often they did. 

  • Crystal Shreve
  • Apr 19 2019
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Brian Riggio commented
      February 18, 2020 20:08

      I would love this. Every month, we review a list of major donors from the previous month, to determine strategy, etc. Now, that starts as an NXT list, but all then it's a big jumbled email. It would be much simpler if there was just some kind of note field on the list that everyone could use for comments.