Ability to Export Lists Into Excel Spreadsheets

This will be helpful for bringing this information to meetings, saving updated records, etc. 

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  • Nov 10 2015
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  • Nov 14, 2017

    Admin response

    This should be available to all clients now. Thanks for all the feedback! Please take care when dealing with personal information offline. You can manage who has access using security. Check the Community Blog for more details! 

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    • Guest commented
      September 06, 2024 13:17

      YES! Please! I miss Configuration in webview.

    • Matt Haynes commented
      November 16, 2017 16:08

      Action Lists don't export out all of the columns that are visible within NXT - for example the action summary information didn't export but the basic information on the action did - it would be great if you would be able to export all of the information like you do with constituent lists.

    • Suren Seropian commented
      October 25, 2017 19:38

      i was just thinking about this yesterday, as i was working in RE.

    • Mark Guncheon commented
      October 25, 2017 13:07

      Saw this at bbcon. Our gift officers are very excited as is our CEO.

    • Art Bryman commented
      October 24, 2017 23:19

      I have to disagree with Bill Connors' comment.  The ability to export is a must have in any database product.  Until NXT has Excel's features baked in, we must have an export to Excel and an export to PDF options. 

      Blackbaud's attitude, of making UI decisions without consideration for the end users, is why so many of the products are frustrating to use.  Beyond difficult - they are frustrating, painful, annoying.  While RE classic's lack of 1-click "Export to Excel" function in queries is annoying - NXT's lack of ANY direct export option is an epic fail.  Saving an NXT constituent list to an RE query IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE WORKAROUND!!!

    • Art Bryman commented
      October 24, 2017 23:11

      Please merge 

      with this idea.

    • Mary Harms commented
      August 14, 2017 17:58

      Exporting a list to excel makes this information easier to manipulate.  I am currently working on a list which contains 493 constituents.  I am able to sort any way I would like in web view but I will have to toggle from page to page.  By exporting to excel, I am able to manipulate the information needed for the task at hand.  My principal and vice principal only have access to web view NXT.  They want to be able to pull information themselves to use for alumni events.  Currently they can pull the list but I will have to go into database view to pull and export the query.  We are currently doing the same thing twice.

    • Jessica Thrift commented
      July 26, 2017 00:29

      This needs to happen.

    • Guest commented
      July 07, 2017 16:38

      I vote yes to this as well.  I would love to be able to export what I create.  Sometimes I can't see all of the columns on my screen. 

    • Steven Dasher commented
      May 18, 2017 15:42

      This would be so helpful. At least a cleaner way to actually print a list from NXT. It's almost arcane that this isn't a feature with the advances in everything else NXT has.

    • Noelehua Archambault commented
      May 10, 2017 19:56


    • Katherine Fritz commented
      May 08, 2017 14:50

      My boss lives for Excel spreadsheets. She's the one member of my team that I have not been able to successfully convert to actively working in NXT because of her reliance on Excel.  I've had conversations with her ad nauseum about how NXT will make her life easier, but so as long as it's not possible to export a list out of NXT into Excel, I'm not going to be able to get her to use it.

    • Cathy Spencer commented
      May 05, 2017 12:15

      This would be very helpful for us as well.  For executives & board members who are not in RE or RENXT.

    • Stephan Korsakov commented
      March 02, 2017 21:18

      Ability to print and export lists from the front end view is absolutely necessary!!! Thank you.

    • Guest commented
      February 21, 2017 15:33

      Please, please do this! My director asked me for a certain piece of information the other day (number of actions for a constituents). I was able to immediately tell him the number, but then I had to go to the database and create a query and then export it. It took me twice the time than to just be able to export the information right there!

    • Krista Lippert commented
      February 16, 2017 16:19

      This can be done without an actual export button. Just highlight the data in the list with your cursor, copy and in excel paste using your mouse and right click. You can paste as a link or just text. Not sure why Blackbaud isn't sharing this option in trainings, we had to discover it on our own.

    • Guest commented
      November 03, 2016 18:49

      This option is absolutely a must!

    • Tania van de Kamp commented
      September 22, 2016 17:17

      I would also like the option to run the list on schedule and email a PDF (like the ability in Analyze). I have many officers and VPs who was a daily list but do not want to log in to get it.

    • Aaron Boydston commented
      September 09, 2016 20:33

      Bill Connors, another simple reason would be to get a list of emails. With how much more approachable RENXT is, users would be more likely make their own (albeit simple) list, export to excel, and copy/paste the emails.

    • Jen Claudy commented
      July 28, 2016 20:45

      To answer your question, Bill, I can share that my new boss, who uses NXT pretty much exclusively, wants to export from Lists to Excel in order to manually edit the list, with criteria that the existing Filters don't have, and to add sums and possibly other information in preparation for a meeting.  As it is, her best option is to create the closest List she can in NXT and then ask me to export it for her.  I can either choose to recreate in 7 or save as a static query in 7, and go from there, but she wants to be able to do it on her own.  One of the selling points for NXT was enabling Fundraisers to do more on their own.  So when they get as far as possible with the existing Filters and then need to choose between working with an incomplete/inaccurate List and coming back to the DBA (i.e. not doing it on their own) to ask for a way to manually edit the List or to include some fields that aren't yet available in NXT, it's not a great experience.

      The Idea of export/print that was merged into this one still has 2 relevant comments about a need for print capabilities...in my case, it's usually print-to-pdf.

      I don't think most of us are expecting that this functionality (export and/or print) would have existed from the start, but it would be a very useful tool in being able to set up workarounds while NXT is being developed.  Which is a long road, and I'm one of the biggest supporters of how the build is happening, with extensive input from customers, but 96 votes is a lot in the NXT Idea Bank, so this is apparently a tool that would prove very useful for a number of customers.

      If the obstacle is that it takes a tremendous amount of time and/or effort to build export and/or print functions, then letting us know that would be a step in the right direction.  As you said, Bill, there are a lot of other things that many of us want to see yet, but if building in this feature doesn't seriously delay anything else, it may well be worthwhile.

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