Allow NXT giving form to accept pledges

The NXT giving form only allows single and recurring gifts, but not pledges!?! I need to accept pledges!

  • Shannon Anderson
  • Aug 25 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Christina DelGaizo commented
      06 Feb 17:37

      @samanthamcguin - Any update on this idea and implementation?

    • Guest commented
      March 12, 2024 13:51

      A large part of our budget revenue is pledges. I had no idea when we upgraded to NXT that pledges cannot be applied in NXT and must use database option for this. This needs to be implemented in NXT!

    • Joan Perry commented
      March 11, 2024 17:28
      • Yes @SusanTodaro - apply recurring gift to pledges

      • We have annual pledges - with installments all falling in a fiscal year

      • We also have multi-year program - with installments falling across several years (usually 3-5 year periods with rare exceptions beyond that)

    • Susan Todaro commented
      March 11, 2024 16:36

      Regarding pledges, will we be able to apply recurring gifts to pledges in NXT? THAT would be a game changer!

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      March 08, 2024 18:50

      Hello voters! We'll have an updated timeline on when pledge will be coming to our standard donation form in April's product update brief. In the meantime, I'm collecting additional information about pledge timelines as we make a final determination of how we allow donors to set their pledge duration.

      If you're interested in sharing how pledge durations work for your organizations, please share your feedback on this survey!

    • Guest commented
      February 15, 2024 16:08

      It blows my mind that on database you can have pledge options but no options for who covers processing fees, but then NXT has the processing fee options but no pledge options. We are starting a capital campaign and did not budget for covering potentially millions of dollars in CC fees solely because the form that offers pledge options (which we need for these larger gifts), doesn't have fee options. Based on this forum, people have been asking to make this change for a long time. Please do something soon.

    • Guest commented
      September 29, 2023 18:45

      So disappointed...we switched to BB products for our online giving and 99% of what we do is pledge based. Makes no sense at all.

    • Anonymous commented
      May 12, 2023 13:45

      Not having a pledge function in NXT forms is a deal breaker and the only reason we do not move to NXT forms.

    • Wendy Dann-Marcel commented
      March 22, 2023 17:30

      the NXT forms are creating more work. It does not inherit any of the pledge data when I apply the payment. I have to manually add anything from Attributes, the gift reference etc. The NXT forms also creates too many duplicate records. It assumes that people will always put in the exact same information each time. We deal with a lot of organizations and they have the assistants fill out these forms.

    • Jennifer Boettger commented
      October 28, 2022 16:13

      Combine these ideas please!4077

    • Guest commented
      October 14, 2022 15:19

      We will move to using the NXT forms as soon as there is a pledge function, until then we will continue to use OLX. The NXT forms look so nice and have some other features we really love, but not having the pledge function is a deal breaker.

    • Guest commented
      August 25, 2022 19:22

      Not having a pledge function in NXT forms is a deal breaker and the only reason we do not move to NXT forms.

    • Carly Slagel commented
      August 25, 2022 19:21

      definitely needed!

    • Patti Hommes commented
      July 22, 2022 17:18

      This is a real hinderance when trying to move completely to webview from DB view The only wany we can add pledges or apply pledge payments is in a DB view batch.

    • +82