NXT Donation Forms: Paying off a pledge

Need the ability for the donations that come in from the RE NXT Donation forms to link the gift to a current pledge that is being paid off. As currently now need to go to database view after approving the gift to then link the gift to the pledge.

  • Rebecca Tuszynski
  • May 3 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Lauren Binney commented
      February 27, 2024 18:48

      Is there any update available on this topic, or is it in the roadmap to be able to apply gifts in an NXT batch to an existing pledge?

    • George Weir commented
      January 24, 2024 21:01

      Managing pledge balances is a challenge where online donations are meant to pay off a pledge. We really need a notification in NXT like database view to identify that a constituant has a pledge balance and the ability to apply it as pay-cash.

    • Mary Zieten commented
      August 23, 2023 13:24
      Yes, please! This is so frustrating. The more manual a process has to be, the more likely I am to drop it somewhere along the way.