RENXT donation forms: Allow recurring gift frequency order to be independent from gift amount layout

In NXT donation forms, gift amount information and recurring giving frequency are set up all within one section. Gift amount buttons can be organized horizontally or vertically. If you choose horizontally and are also allowing recurring gifts, the recurring gift frequency options appear out of sequence in the drop-down menu on the form (weekly, quarterly, annually, every two weeks, monthly). However, if you choose to organize your gift amount buttons vertically, the recurring gift frequency sequence renders correctly (weekly, every two weeks, monthly, quarterly, annually). Please fix this, as it simply doesn't make sense to present this out of order to a donor.

  • Diane Crespy
  • Sep 21 2020
  • Shipped
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    • Admin
      Juliana Lawson commented
      October 02, 2020 20:44

      Hello Diane,

      Thanks again for letting us know. Good news! It is fixed.


    • Jarod Bonino commented
      September 21, 2020 19:02

      Hey Diane! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This was not intended! We'll see what we can do to get this resolved asap.