Filter ratings based on source

We have several sources feeding ratings into our database all used for different things. Our internal Donor Research Officer is calculating Capacity and Target Ask based on our internal SOPs.  NXT is adding their Analytics and we also have a third party vendor doing some forecasting for our Membership department.  Being able to filter the ratings field based on Source is pertinent to our operations.  

  • Guest
  • May 7 2015
  • Shipped
  • Mar 23, 2018

    Admin response

    You can do this today in the lists functionality.

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  • Susanne Larsen commented
    February 10, 2016 22:39

    Just adding my voice here. Our internal capacity rating definitely needs to be top of the list. Right now MGOs are having to click through 4 or 5 pages of ratings to find what they need. Thanks.

  • Guest commented
    December 01, 2015 19:47

    We really need to have our internal ratings and those from ResearchPoint and our Wealth screening to appear on the first page.  Unfortunately the NXT ratings are not even close to our wealth screen ratings and less accurate.  Also the next ask amount didn't take into account soft credit which is a huge issue since many of our donors use their company bank account to give their gifts and not from personal checking accounts.  Next ask amounts are lower than their current giving due to this.

  • Jon Garrow commented
    July 29, 2015 16:44

    Related: I would like to be able to sort ratings, so internal ratings are presented first, not unverified vendor ratings

  • Deleted User commented
    May 07, 2015 17:18

    We do have this one defined as a need we need to accomplish, but will see how other folks feel about it. I'll mark it as future consideration for now, but in all likelihood we will handle this. Thank you for the feedback.